Monday, 23 February 2009


I've been alone in the house for a nearly a week, as Salva spent 5 days in Italy... About 5 minutes after he left the internet connection here fell, which was a moment of pure panic for me.
I am so, so dependent on the internet, for EVERYTHING- Communication with my family in Australia, images, blogging.... just inspiration.
Anyway. All of this served as an opportunity to take a few steps forward in the cage installation direction. It is such a slow process! I'm also working on an artist's statement, but in the meantime I'll share these photos.


  1. Your cages are coming along beautifully.

  2. I haven't had a chance to visit your blog in a few days and I must say I'm so impressed with the poster as well as the installation! What a great thing to do. I love the artwork for the poster. And the bird cages are coming along so
    nicely. I can't wait to see what you come up with! I feel sure you will do a fabulous job.

  3. Hi there! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and for stopping by my blog! I really love yours and can't wait to follow. I hope you will participate in one of our "flirts" in the future!
    Which Heather is it that we have in common? :)

  4. Gotcha! Awesome! Can't wait to follow your work!

  5. these are really beautiful! Its nice to meet you :D


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