Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Well it's now June.

I can't believe nearly half of this year has slipped by already. I went to London on the weekend, with the intention to make it an art-related trip. I designed a new business card and prepared my portfolio before leaving, but, alas, I was not meant to publicise myself this weekend.

My IT and organisational skills leave a lot to be desired. I probably sit dangerously close to the technological disaster side of things. Inconvenient when trying to launch even a humble, mini-career in art.

The business card was not printed, therefore, not distributed and this has made me feel a little bit, well, bad.

Photos by Salva

Has anyone ever observed the way British people greet you with "You Alright?"?
- It really catches me off-guard... ("What, am I bleeding?")


  1. You just made me blurt my tea. There was a minor keyboard panic.

    And it took me a while (jetlag issues) before it dawned on me that the Poms don't want to know if you are all right, any more than the Aussies want to know how it's going...

  2. I had know idea I sounded British all day long to my kids. I have a compulsion to say that around the clock to them in fear that they are about to die any second.
    Love all of the photos. My last polaroid was a JoyCam. You made me dig it up from the basement and cherish the photos I made with it.

  3. London for the weekend....sounds so cosmopolitan! :)
    That is a gorgeous pic of you!


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